Tämä tulee nyt taas vähän viiveellä mutta ei mahda mitään kun kuvaamossa on ruuhkaa. Eli jälleen kerran yksi Atelieri O. Haapalan luomus allekirjoittaneesta. Oli se vaan hauska ilta…
Again this comes with a bit of delay. Can’t help it, there is queue in the photograph studio. Once again another creation by Atelieri O. Haapala. It was such a blast…
Oi ko sää oot nättinä :)
Fabulous! I love paper moons. Would love to make one for one of our events. Of what is this one made of? The painting is gorgeous. Great hair, dress, picture and frame. Okay, no I stop, though I really like this. ;-)
Sanski – kiitos kaunis :)
superheidi – I’m not sure what it is made of. maybe plywood or similar board. It’s made by Saara, talented photographer at Atelier O Haapala. She’s made all their fantastic backdrops. I have to admit, I think Mr Moon is aswell my favourite of their backdrops. Thank you sweetie :)
Tuo on aivan upea asu! Kuu-ukkokin on edelleen mainio. :)
Magdalena Hai – Kiitos :D Se on, tällä kertaa taustakangas oli mustan sijaan sininen ja se kyllä sopii tähän kuin nyrkki silmään
Ihana kuva :>
Gabriell – Kiitos, vaikka suurin osa kiitoksesta kuuluukin O. Haapalalle :D
This portrait is pure magic!!!! It’s so beautiful with the moon used as a prop as it was in the 1920s and so on. I love the mounting paper, it adds to the magic … but YOU are incredible!!! I love this frock on you so much and I love how it drapes over the point of the moon – this frock has magical powers and I’m feeling them all the way over here in Oz!!! xoxoxoxo
Desiree – Thank you, all though thanks for most of the magic goes to the photographers in Atelieri O. Haapala :D They make amazing photos and I have been their fan several years now. They always ad that mounting paper frame to their photos, which is a splendid idea. Behind this link you can see their photo of me and my hubby taken couple years ago.
Dress with magical powers :D have to keep that in mind. You never know what might happen when I wear that dress!