En ole aikoihin esitellyt blogissa mitään uusia hankintoja, joten ajattelin laittaa muutaman kuvan tuollaisesta vanhasta kaapista jonka ostin taannoin. Teen nykyään suurimman osan hankintoja Facebookin marketplacen kautta. Se tuntuu jotenkin hirmu kätevältä ja nopealta kauppapaikalta. Tämänkin kaapin bongasin Facebookin kautta, tuosta naapurikylältä. Myyjä kertoi ostaneensa sen joltakin huonekaluja tuunaavalta naiselta, mutta aikoi nyt muuton vuoksi siitä luopua. Ja tuunattu tätä totisesti onkin.
Yläosa on alunperin kuulunut ehkäpä 1930-luvun kulmikkaaseen lipastoon. Alaosa on kuitenkin muotokieleltään vanhempaa, pyöreämpää talonpoikaistyylistä. Alaosan kansikaan ei mielestäni alunperin olen kuulunut tähän kokonaisuuteen ja siitä puuttuu alaosan pyöristetyt kulmat. Tätä tukee myöskin se seikka että kansi ei ole lipastossa mitenkään kiinni. Lisäksi koko komeus on maalattu paksulti valkoisella maalilla ja oviin ja laatikoihin on kiinnitetty vetimiä ja muuta kilkettä jotka ovat keskenään täysin eri tyyliä. Lisäksi edellinen omistaja on koristellut yläosan sisäosat tapetilla ja pitsinauhoilla ja kiinnittänyt keskimmäisiin laseihin kuviollista muovikalvoa. Pitsit nyppäsin jo pois sillä ne haittasivat ovien sulkeutumista.
En ole vielä päättänyt missä on kaapin lopullinen paikka. Ensin se sai olla kuistilla, mutta nyt siirsimme sen ruokailuhuoneeseen. Tarvitsemme sinne säilytystilaa kissanruuille, kahvikupeille ja sen sellaiselle. Tekisi mieleni myös kaapia tuo valkoinen maali pois, mutta olkoon nyt ainakin toistaiseksi näin. Alaosan vetolaatikoihin lisäsin hyllypaperit, jotka ilman muuta kuuluvat tällaisiin vanhoihin kaappeihin.
It’s been long time since I showed anything new in the blog, so perhaps a peek to our new second hand cabinet. These days I buy most things from Facebook marketplace. It seems very practical and fast way to buy second hand stuff. This cabinet I also bought via Facebook. Seller told me she bought it from a women who revamps old furniture. She had to let it go because she is moving. And oh boy has this cabinet been revamped.
Top has originally belonged perhaps to 1930’s cabinet. Bottom part, however, is older peasant style, with more rounder on corners. Even the lid doesn’t seem to match with the bottom, it doesn’t have the same round corners than the bottom does. Also the fact that lid is not attached in anyway supports this theory. Then the whole ensemble has been painted white and decorated with handles and other decorations which are all different style. Previous owner has also decorated the insides of the top with wallpaper and lace ribbons and covered the middle glass doors with patterned plastic film. I already removed the lace strips because they prevented doors closing properly.
I have not decided yet what is going to be the final place for the cabinet. At first it was on our lobby, but now we moved it to dining room. We desperately need more storage space there, for cat food, coffee cups and so on. I would also love to get rid of the white paint, but atleast for now it can stay as it is. In bottom drawers I added shelf papers, which in my opinion belong into this kind of old cupboard.
Hello Rhia! It’s been awhile since I posted on your blog and hope you are doing well. I love, love this cabinet you got on Facebook Marketplace;however, the FB marketplace in my area does not sell items this nice. I would have to go to a local antique store or estate sale!!! I also love that Moroccan teapot on the top. I am currently looking online for a tea set with that type of teapot. It’s really nice and do you still use it to make tea? Well, my husband and I bought another house about two hours away from our last home (San Antonio, Texas) and it is a rural area with about 30,000 people which is new to me since I’m a big city girl! But I really like the quiet and peacefulness of this area and the people are friendly. We moved here in December and I’m almost finished unpacking. Take care and keep taking your great pictures; they give me inspiration. Lamar from Texas, USA
Lamar Mendiola – Nice to hear from you again! So you have been really busy, buying a house and moving sure is tiring task. Peace is the thing we love about living in country side, it makes us feel safe. Our small community is even less than 30 000 people 😊
Lovely to know about my teapot. I bought it second hand and did not know about the history and have not used it because of that. I am not very familiar with different metals so using secondhand metal items for edible things I am always a bit iffy. And in Finland they also have silly habit of selling “decorative” metal items in interior decoration shops, which are not suitable for food. Those usually have stickers on the bottom but when buing second hand, you never know. We are not big tea drinkers, but know I can find out more about the Moroccan teapots and perhaps use it every now and then. So thank you for that piece of information. And thank you for your lovely words.