Pääsette vihdoinkin tutustumaan aloittamani muodin historia-sarjan kolmanteen osaan, eli 30-lukuun. Vuosikymmen alkaa raskaasti laman kourissa. Se ei estä nauttimasta glamourista ja upeista Hollywoodin elokuvista joissa ei säästellä laulua tanssia tai loistokkaita pukuja. Mikäli muodin historia kiinnostaa niin tutkaise myös aiemmat osat 1910-luku ja 1920-luku. Sivut on skannattu jo aiemmin mainitusta, keräämästäni pukuhistorian kokoelmasta. Kuvat ovat pieniä mutta klikkaamalla pitäisi saada näkymään suurempi luettavampi kuva. Muuta mielenkiintoista muodin historiasta voit löytää täältä.
Mikäli aiheesta tulee mieleen kysymyksiä, vastaan mielelläni!
Finally you get to read the third part of my series about fashion history. This time it’s 30’s. It’s taken from the fashion history collection I have gathered as a school project. If you’re interested in fashion history you might want to check also my post about 1920’s. Unfortunately I haven’t done english summary on post about 1910’s, but atleast you can check the pictures. For other vintage fashion curiosities check this. Click the pictures to get them big enough to read.
If any questions about 30’s fashion, I’m happy to answer!
Womens fashion
Decade started out in resession. That didn’t stop people from having fun. But instead of celebrating in restaurants, people had parties at home. Despite of lack of money everything still had to be very stylish and sleek. Women’s style became more feminine after flattening and straightening 20’s. There were more curves and figure hugging materials, like biascut silk. Evening gowns were full length and usually sleeveless and open back. And of course you had to have fur coat or cape to go with it. Most common day wear was princess-line dress with belt. Most suitable length was halfway from knee to ankle.
Hats and gloves were essential part of womens outfits. Dresses were rather simple but hats could get rather silly even, decorated with fake fruits, ribbons, lace and beads. Hat must be worn pulled over your other eye. Most popular bags were leather decorated with owners initials. First nylon stockings were brought to the market in 1935 and zipper was finally conquering the world.
Mens wear
Because of high unemployment and lack of money also men’s dresses became more simple than before. Shoulders were wide and collars narrow making chest look wide aswell. In the middle of the decade signs of wealth started to return and once again there was demand for expensive looking business suits. Mens blazers were very popular. They were developed from english universities sports teams jackets. Gangster-style was also very common with dark pinstripe suits and wide trouser legs.
Hair and make up
Blonde was the best colour for your hair. Especially when people saw Jean Harlow in her platinum blonde hair. Filmstars were the biggest influence on womens hairfashion and makeup. Different variety on curl hairdos were most common.
In makeup 20’s darke shades were already too much, now personality was most wanted style. Allthough wealthy people were basically the only ones that could afford personality. Ordinary people still wanted to have same styles than moviestars. Skin had to be flawless in ivory or tearose shade. Women used vaseline on their eyelids to for shine. Liners were soft. Blush wasn’t very popular but when used it was shades of terracotta, plum, raspberry or orange. Nail polish was chosen by the colour of outfit. Popular shades were black, silver, gold, rose red, light pink, lilac blue and emerald green. Lips weren’t as small and pouting as in 20’s but they were still rather small. Most popular shapes were Joan Crawford’s and Greta Garbo’s lips. Lashes were always fake. Eye brows were narrow and highlighted with vaseline or “Brillantine”.
Designers of 30’s:
Elsa Schiaparelli
Coco Chanel
Nina Ricci
Alix Grès
Main Bocher
Jean Harlow
Joan Crawford
Fred AStaire
Ginger Rogers
Shirley Temple
Clark Gable
Humphrey Bogart
Marlene Dietrich
Greta Garbo
Mae West
Elsa Schiaparellin nimi on tuolla väärin kirjoitettu. Loistava designeri, joka on melkein jäänyt Cocon varjoon. Mun mielestä paaaaljon parempi.
Honey: joo huomasin sen liian myöhään enkä jaksanu enää tulostaa uudestaan, luultavasti olen kopsannu sen jostain lähteestä jossa se on ollu väärin… ja tuohon skannaukseenkaan en jaksanu alkaa korjaamaan, että tällä mennään =) Monet hyvät suunnittelijat on jääny Cocon varjoon… Esim Lanvin.