Olen nyt niin ihastunut tähän siniseen mekkoon että joudun pukemaan sen päälle uudelleen ja uudelleen. Että kiitos vaan Mariannelle joka sen minulle antoi ♥ . Ajattelin samalla postata uuden kuvan jossa mekko näkyy paremmin. Mekko on luultavasti 50-luvulta mutta on samalla jotenkin vanhemman henkinen. Olen karsastanut jostain syystä taskullisia mekkoja. Ja ihan suotta sillä ainakin tämä mekko tuntuu taskuineen päivineen oikein kodikkaalta. Mekko sopi myös tämänpäiväseen kirppistelyyn varsin mainiosti.
Kirppistelystä puheenollen, jos ette ole vielä törmänneet Paskoihin kirppislöytöihin niin käykää toki kurkkaamassa. Oi mutsi mutsin emännöimässä blogissa porukka kirppisaddikteja (allekirjoittanut mukaanlukien) bongailee erilaisia paskoja kirppislöytöjä. Muistakaa lukea myöskin postausten kommentit sillä sieltäkin löytyy varsinaisia paskuuksien helmiä.
I am now so much in love with this blue dress I am practically forced to wear it over and over again. So thank you Marianne for giving it to me ♥. I also thought that I should post better photo of it. Dress is probably from 50’s but at the same time it seems to have older style. For some reason I have been avoiding dresses with pockets. But there really was no proper reason because this dress feels very cozy. It also worked perfectly on my little thrifting trip.
Speaking of which, I’m partaking as a writer on new finnish blog called Shitty thrift finds, hosted by Oi mutsi mutsi. Unfortunately it is all in finnish, but from the photos you can see some of the really shitty thriftfinds me and my co-writers have found recently.
Olen kotiutunut mekkoon. Värjäsin tukankin. /
I’m nested in this dress now. And I dyed my hair.
Parin edellisen kirppistelyn tuloksia. Kenkiä pitää vielä hieman
tunnustella ovatko kävelykepoiset. /
Result from couple previous thrifting gig. Shoes need little
bit more thinking if they are staying or not.
those shoes are very nice… And the pockets on the lovely dress make it look very snug, like! :-)
superheidi – shoes look very nice old vintage style, even though they are more likely from about 70’s. However, they seem a bit tight on the width so I have to think about it if I can keep them or not. They were so cheap I couldn’t leave them behind. I must consult the shoemaker if they are able to stretch them a bit for my foot, after all they are genuine leather so it should be possible. Yes, it must be the pockets that make the dress look very snug and cozy.