Vuoden odotetuin ensi-ilta on käsillä kun uusimman Star Trek-leffan Suomen ensi-esitys oli tänään. Isäntä osti leffaliput heti kun ne tulivat myyntiin. En edelleenkään lakkaa hämmästelemästä miten näppärää on ostaa ja tulostaa liput suoraan netistä. Kun tosi trekkie lähtee leffaan pitää asusteet olla teeman mukaiset. Tässä ohjeet miten pääset mukaan tunnelmaan.
This years most waited movie opening is at hand when the newest Star Trek-movie launched today in Finland. Boyfriend bought the tickets as soon as they came available. I’m still amazed how handy it is to buy and print your tickets online. When true trekkies goes to movies, they got to have proper gear. Here some instructions how to get to the mood.
You will need: Pointy ears (latex), Mastix glue, Mastix remover, liquid latex, brushes and sponges, make up base, eyebrow plastic and sealer. All can be found in shops specialised on theater make up (Kryolan, Grimas etc.) My equipment are in large bottles but f.ex glue and remover are available in smaller size bottles.
Phase 1) Pin your hair away from the ear. Try the ear on, cut for better size if needed,cut sharp corners off. Mark edges with light colour make up pencil.
Phase 2) Spread glue with thin brush above your markings (glue marked with pink). Place ear on top of glue. It dries in couple seconds so you need to be quick. Press it tightly on it’s place to make sure it is attached. Be carefull and don’t glue your eyes. NOTICE! Glue can be removed only with Mastix remover.
Phase 3) When glue has dried, spread latex on the edge of your pointy ear, layer by layer. Use brush (thicker layers) and sponge (thinner layers). Latex dries rather fast and is sticky, it might stick back to your brush or sponge when adding next layer. Apply as many layers that edge looks rather smooth. If hair is going to cover your ears it doesn’t have to look too pretty. Latex smells bad. It is easy to remove by rubbing.
Phase 4) While latex is drying we cover eyeborws. Warm eyebrow plastic in your fingers so it becomes soft. Spread eyebrow plastic with spatula (I used wide flat hairpin because I couldn’t find any spatulas). Very thin layer is enough, and don’t apply it too close to corner of the eye. When you make expressions it might start to come off. After that apply couple layers of sealer. If you wan’t you can apply also thin layer of latex but that is not necessary. Wax and sealer can be removed with plain face wash liquid.
Phase 5) When sealer and latex have dried, apply make up base to cover both. Fake ears are rather pale so you might want to spread make up all over them. You can do that before attaching them to your own ears. To make fake ears look more natural, add little bit of make up inside your earlobes aswell. Finish with loose powder to fix the make up.
Lopuksi: Piirretään vinot kulmakarvat, lisätään neutraali meikki, tehdään kampaus, valitaan asu. Ja muista että vulcanuslaiset eivät tunteita näytä. Hauskaa elokuvaa!
And finally: Draw new browline, add neutral make up, do your hair, choose your outfit. And remember, vulcans don’ show their emotions. Have fun at the movies!