Pussi kärkitossuille / Pouch for pointe shoes

Kärkitossutekniikan intensiivikurssin nyt alkaessa ajattelin vihdoin tehdä tossuille oman pussin. (Oikeastaan kurssin piti alkaa jo keskiviikkona, mutta opettajan sairastumisen johdosta alku siirtyy viikolla.) Törmäsin Instagramissa tosi nätteihin pitsisiin tossupussukoihin ja sitten kun kangaskaupan palalaarin äärellä tuli vastaan täydellinen pitsi niin pussin kohtalo oli sitä myöten sinetöity. Tossupussin on hyvä olla ilmava jotta tossut eivät hikisinäkään ummehdu ja kuivuvat nopeasti vaikka ne unohtaisi tuntien jälkeen pussiin. Itse pussi on aivan perusmallinen suorakaide kiristysnauhalla. Peruspussin ilmettä ja fiilistä voi korottaa pykälän ylöspäin valitsemalla näyttävän kankaan ja ompelemalla saumat pussiin. Pussiin ompelu tekee saumoista myös kestävämmät, etenkin pitsikankaassa. Koko hommaan meni vain kymmenisen minuuttia.


Now when my intensive pointe shoe technique course is starting, I finally decided to make a pouch for my pointe shoes. (Actually it was supposed to start already on Wednesday, but teacher got ill, so it was postponed for next week.) I saw a picture of pretty lace pouch on Instagram and then I bumped into very pretty lace at my local fabric shop so the decision was sealed. Pointe shoe pouch has to be quite airy so that sweaty shoes don’t get bad odors and they dry quickly, even if they are forgotten in the bag after the classes. Pouch itself is pretty basic rectangular with drawstring. You can upgrade the look and feel of the pouch by choosing fancy fabric and doing french seams. French seams also make it a bit sturdier, especially if the fabric is lace. This only took about 10 minutes to make.






  1. So pretty! I love it when the things that I carry around with me are nicely packed so I absolutely adore these kind of projects. Sad thing is that I am usually to lazy to make such things for myself or others, it’s strange that the more complicated projects are more appealing in some ways :-)

    1. Rhia says:

      Draped in Cloudlets – I suppose the simple quickly made items can be rather boring to make and sometimes it might even seem waste of time or material to do something like this, I mean it’s only a pouch for ballet shoes. But I too enjoy having pretty practical things so why not. My tote for all my ballet stuff is also quite pretty tapestry bag I made myself. If you are going to carry something around weekly or even daily, why not make it pretty too. That way it brings you joy every day you see it :D But I definitely understand why more complicated projects can be more appealing. Then you can get the proper satisfaction of finishing something truly unique and awesome.

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