Sitä on taas paistateltu linssiluteena. Kuten kommenttiosiostakin jo ehkä huomasitte, eilisessä Morossa oli juttua Fintage ry:n ompeluseurasta. Koko jutun voi lukaista myös verkkolehdestä. Ompeluseura kokoontuu jokatoinen viikko minun ja kolleegani työhuoneella.
Me and my friends, we made it to the papers again. National newspaper Aamulehti published an article about our vintage sewing society on their thursday special section yesterday. Story and photos also available online, only in finnish though (you can try Google Translate if you dare). People come to the society to repair or alter old clothing or sew completely new clothes. We also have a cup of coffee and some chat, even more official meetings if needed. Sewing society has been going on about a year now and keeps on rolling.
All photos by photographer Tomi Vuokola, Aamulehti
Couldn’t read a word ofcourse, but the pictures show all niceness. It looks like a nice place, with very nice people, creating very nice things.
superheidi – What I failed to explain on my post is that we actually meet on my workroom, which I rent with my colleague. It is fun way to meet people and also create something at the same time. I am pro-sewing clubs. People should revive that tradition again.