Gathering the army of silk


Minulla näyttää olevan jonkinlainen addiktio silkkipuseroihin. Yksi silkkipusero valmistui juuri jokin aika sitten, toinen on tuunauksen alla. Kaapista löytyy pari ja viime viikolla löysin jälleen uuden. Tai no oikeastaan tämä on setti. Mutta millainen setti! Viimevuonna fiilistelemäni rantapyjama on viimein täydentynyt lähes täydellisellä yläosalla. Helteisten päivien ja viilenevien iltojen pelastus on kaksiosainen hihattoman topin ja paitapuseron yhdistelmä. Värit ovat juuri sopivan hillityt ja hauska silkkihuiveista muistuttava kuviointi antaa puserolle vaikutelman kuin se olisi huiveista itse tehty, vaikka onkin ihan tehdasvalmisteinen. Puserot ovat täysin moderneja ja mallia tantta. Mutta ihme ja kummastus, sopivat 20- ja 30-lukujen tyyliin aika hyvin. Tänä kesänä jatkan siis Hercule Poirotin ja Kultahatun teemoilla. Nyt vielä pitäisi päästä näkemään uusi Kultahattu-elokuva, vaikka Baz Luhrman ei olekaan niitä suosikkiohjaajiani…

I seem to have some sort of addiction to silk blouses. I just recently finished one silk blouse, another one is under revamping. There is couple in my wardrobe and last week I found yet another one. Well, actually this is a set. But what kind of set! Last year I was inspired by beach pyjamas and palazzopants I made have finally met their perfect top. This two-piece set with sleeveless top and basic blouse is a saviour of hot Summer days and cool evenings. Colours are just perfectly muted and fun silk scarf-print gives the effect of selfmade scarf-blouse, even though it is factory-made. Blouses are completely modern and style is pretty tante (if you know what I mean…). But blimey they work so well for 20’s and 30’s style. So this Summer I’m continuing with the themes of Hercule Poirot and Great Gatsby. Now I just need to see the new Great Gatsby-movie, even though Baz Luhrman isn’t one of my favourite directors…


Toimii hameenkin kanssa. / Works with the skirt aswell.




Samalla kurkistus parvekkeemme uuteen ilmeeseen. /
Also sneak peek into our redecorated balcony.


  1. oh, very 30’s lounge look. I love watching Hercule Poiret, everything is so pretty.

  2. Desiree says:

    Oh Rhia, I adore the paisley silk in those beautiful soft shades on you and wowza at the head scarf!!!!! You were BORN to revive my favourite years of the 20th century darling! Simply diviiiiiiiiiine!!! xoxoox

  3. Desiree says:

    Ooooooooh and I love the balcony – look at that darling wee table, I love the plants, lights and flags:) x

    1. Rhia says:

      thorne garnet – I love Hercule Poirot too, it’s nice to see all those pretty outfits and interior styles.

      Desiree – Thanks sweetie! I was surprised to find paisley print in muted, soft shades, usually they are quite bright colours. There will be better photos of the balcony when we finally get the geranium pots mounted on the wall (now they are just lying around on table). The little table btw, was found from the skip when people were throwing stuff away. I think it used to be some sort of hospital bedside table. It even has two little weels on back legs.

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