EBEW: Hyvää ystävänpäivää / Happy Valentine’s day

Taas on kuukausittaisen Everybody Everywear-haasteen aika. Tällä kertaa mennään sydämellisissä tunnelmissa sillä teemana oli Vaaleanpunainen & Punainen. Uskokaa tai älkää, vaatekaapistani ei löydykään ihan kaikkea. Punaisia vaatteita ei juuri laisinkaan ja vaaleanpunaistenkin löytäminen oli työn ja tuskan alla. Mutta sentään jotain teemaan sopivaa löysin. Kaunis vintage-huivi lyö kaksi kärpästä yhdellä iskulla sillä siinä on useita punaisen sävyjä, myös vaaleanpunaisen ja lohenpunaisen. Annoin myös itselleni ystävänpäivän kunniaksi ruusukimpun. Rintakoru on Englannin tuliaisia parin vuoden takaa.

Hyvää ystävänpäivää teille kaikille ihanille ihmisille! (Ja mun omalle kullalle myös!)

It is yet again time for our monthly doze of Everybody Everywear challenge. This time we are going very sweet with Pink & Red. Believe it or not, my wardrobe doesn’t have everything. I had trouble finding red clothes and same thing with pink. But I managed to find atleast something. This beautiful vintage scarf bites two times in one go. It has several different shades of red, also in pink and salmon. I also gave myself a bouquet of red roses for this Valentines. Brooch is souvenir from England couple years ago.

Happy Valentine’s to you all lovely people! (And ofcourse to my darling!)

Pink + Red | Everybody, Everywear

On tuolla puserossakin pieniä vaaleanpunaisia kukkia…
ja onhan mulla punainen tukkakin! /
Notice the tiny pink flowers on my blouse aswell..
and hey, I even have red hair!

8 Comments Add yours

    1. Rhia says:

      Alicia – Thank you :D

  1. Cristina says:

    Hello Rhia,

    I spent about a month to read ALL your posts available here. I got hooked, even if I’m not such a big fan of reading others blogs. I must say, well done Rhia. I want more!
    I’m far away from you, on the other side of Europe but I must say that I recognize myself in what you do and what you like.
    You have a new fan!

    Congratulation for all your work and for being you!

    1. Rhia says:

      Cristina – Thanks for joining in :D Wow, I can’t believe you actually read everything! Though I have to admit that some of the early posts are a bit silly. But then again, such is life and it would be odd if I didn’t evolve at all during all these years. That is what I love about blogging and social media. You can connect and even become friends with like-minded people you have never met and might never even meet. But I think it is very educational to get to know people all around the world. And it is fun too :D Hope you enjoy reading my adventures in the future aswell!

  2. StephC says:

    Your brooch is so pretty! I love it.

    1. Rhia says:

      StephC – Thank you so much. I got it from London couple years ago. I actually saw couple of similar brooches in vintage shops on the same trip. Fun time it was and seeing this brooch makes me want to go back.

  3. Wow! This vintage scarf is a treasure. Love it!


    1. Rhia says:

      Cathy – Thank you, indeed it is.

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