For quite obvious reason, renovation has been quite on top recently. So now is perfect opportunity to share DIY-tips for that aswell. I have never put wallpaper on the wall, but elsewhere I have.
So: behold!
DIY – drawer and wallpaper
I have had this drawer quite some time now. One day that white plain look started to really bug me. And because I happened to have suitable materials, I decided to do something about it.
Jos etupanelit ovat kovin kiiltävää materiaalia niitä kannattaa hieman hioa
sopivan tartuntapinnan aikaansaamiseksi.
Tee liisteri valmistajan ohjeen mukaan.
Remove handles.
If material is shiny and smooth you should sand it to create
suitable surface for wallpaper.
Make adhesive according to manufacturers instructions.
Varmista että liisteriä on jokapuolella, myös reunoissa.
Anna tapetin vettyä ohjeen mukaan.
When addhesive is settled, spread it carefully on wallpaper.
Make sure it covers the whole piece, also the edges.
Let it settle according to manufacturers instructions.
Poista ilmakuplat pehmeällä tapettiharjalla tai rätillä pyyhkien tapettia keskeltä reunoja kohti.
Itse leikkasin tapetin hieman isommaksi hermoja säästääkseni,
mutta jos kantti riittää palojen asetteluun voit toki leikata tarkasti oikeankokoiset palat ja asetella ne kohdilleen.
When paper has settled enough, press it against the drawer.
Remove airbubles by brushing with soft brush or rag from center towards edges.
I cut paper little bit bigger than drawer front panel to save my nerves,
but you can also cut presice pieces and carefully place them on their correct spots.
Jos tässä vaiheessa huomaat että tapetti irvistää jostain voit paikata liimauksia liisterillä tai vesiohenteisella liimalla.
Lopuksi lakkasin tapetin kahteen kertaan mattalakalla, jotta se kestäisi kulutusta hieman paremmin.
When adhesive has dried, cut exces paper from edges and separate drawers by cutting between them.
If you notice that paper has not attached properly you can still glue it back by using watersolube glue or wall paper adhesive.
For finishing touch I put two coats of matte varnish to make it last longer.
Voit myös vaihtaa vetimet kauniimpiin.
Muista mitata vedinten kiinnitysleveys ennen uusien hankkimista.
Put handles back on.
You can also replace old ones with prettier new handles.
Remember to measure width before buying new ones.