Niin se on taas tullut aika rauhoittua joulun viettoon. Tämä vuosi on koetellut koko maailmaa ennen näkemättömällä tavalla, kuten tiedämme. Vaikka arkielämään on tullut muutoksia, olemme isännän kanssa olleet onnekkaita. Meitä korona on kohdellut paljon lempeämmin kuin monia muita. Siitä ja monesta muusta saamme olla kiitollisia, vaikka vuosi on ollut raskas. Odotukset vuodelle -21 ovat kovat, tosin tästä petraaminen ei lopulta ole kovin vaikeaa.
Haluan toivottaa lukijoille ihanaa joulunaikaa ja parempaa vuotta 2021.

It has become the time to relax for Yuletide. This year has been huge strain to the whole world like never before. As we know. Even though there’s been lots of changes for everyday life, me and hubby have been lucky though. Covid has been much more gentle to us than many others. Of that and many other things we are very gratefull, even though it has been tough year. Expectations for 2021 are very high, allthough improving from that is not very difficult.
I wish merry Yuletide and hugely better Year 2021 to all of my readers.

Kiitos tästä upeasta joulukalenterista. Olen nauttinut jokaisesta luukusta ja kaikki ovat olleet yllätyksiä ja taattua Evil Dressmaker laatua. Pidän peukkuja pystyssä ja fingers crossed, jotta taloprojektinne konkretisoituisi. Tässä ajassa tarvitaan mintunvihreitä unelmia. Hyvää ja rauhallista joulua!
Tinde – Kiva että kalenterista on ollut iloa :) Todellakin, mintunvihreitä unelmia tarvitaan! Ja kiitos, joulumieltä myös sinne.
Hello Rhia! Happy Holidays and iFeliz Navidad! and iFelices Fiestas! I am still enjoying your blog and have learned so much about gardening and sewing from you. I will start sending you pictures of my creations!
Also, I like that gorgeous candle holder in your picture. Is that glass and wrought iron? I don’t see too many like that here in the US. They usually sell you the metal part , the holder , by itself and all you do is put the candle inside. But this one is unique. Thanks for sharing and stay safe in the new year! Happy 2021.
Lamar Mendiola – Thank you! It was very nice Christmas indeed. It would be fantastic to see what kind of things you have created! Sharing is the best inspiration.
Well spotted! The candle holder is wrought iron and glass! I actually have two of them, other one is behind the chalk board. I got them from local interior decor shop long time ago. They had all sorts of wrought iron products from big hurricane candle holders to candelabras and tealight holders, from picture frames to fruit bowls and cook book stands. It was one of my favourite shops, but it closed down years ago.
Stay safe too!